stitched by the Whakatane Guild
Details of WWI and ANZACs panel stitched by Whakatane Guild. Photographed June 2015.
From the guild
This panel depicts the events and areas of the New Zealand Force’s involvement in and around ANZAC
Cove area during World War 1, and some of the memorials that have since been created.
One front tends to look like another as the reality of war set in, especially with the mud. Banners
name the various battles in which the Kiwi forces were involved.
Artist: Alex Gilks
Names of embroiderers:
Karen Abbott
Aida Baker
Christine Briscoe
Yolande Brown
Pam Collins
Jeanette Dale
Joan Davoren
Pat Dixon
Connie Flanigan
Lois Graham
Iradati Groeneveld
Jane Haultain
Robyn Haultain
Shirley Hennessey
Mona Hill
Joy Hume
Charlotte McGougan
Elisabeth McGougan
Val McLay
Peta McMillan
Sue Minchin
Trish Morris
Nancy Neilson
Marion Newdick
Ruth Ockwell
Beverley Parkinson
Sirita Rautenbach
Deb Rowe
Sharon Rutledge
Jean Searle
Annabel Selby
Marjorie Skiffington
Colleen Smith
Bell Turner
Rhoda Van Rossen
Christine Violich
Tina Wetting
Jane Whitehead
Valerie Windley
Anna Linnell-Olsen
Arwen Sullivan
Marika Valk
Started: February 2013
Stitching completed: September 2014