stitched by the Rotorua Guild
Detail from the Rotorua Guild’s complete panel, July 2016
From the guild
In 1886 Mount Tarawera erupted destroying the famed terraces of Rotomahana , the Pink and White
Terraces, a silica staircase covering about 3 hectares, built up over thousands of years. The sight of a
ghostly canoe on the lake preceded the eruption. The fall out smothered the nearby Maori village
causing significant loss of life. It is still a popular tourist site.
Artist: Alex Gilks
Names of embroiderers:
Kathryn Arthurs
Carol Bates
Laurie Breadmore
Beth Carter
Nona Craig
Vanessa Cook
Robyn Denny
Margaret Dixon
Juanita Elley
Marlene Forsyth
Lila Kai Fong
Betty Foster
Cherry Fraser
Carol Gillice
Amanda Gower
Mhairi Hall
Linda Keach
Donna Kennedy
May Lett
Billie van Leven
Brenda Lillas
Heather Lilly
Bev McLellan
Raewyn Mends
Fiona Mendel
Janet Monk
Nancy Naylor
Maryann Paterson
Maureen Rankine
Hetty Schipper
Sugi Shaw
Ailsa Sorensen
Doreen Sykes
Jeanette Whitehead
Rosemary Wilson
Started: November 2014
Stitching Completed: February 2016
Sponsors: The Rotorua Energy Charitable Trust